Actually blog requires good web presence to get good organic traffic.Organic traffic is that traffic which we get from the search engine like Google,Yahoo,MSN,Altvista etc.This is the best traffic to increase our CTR rate.Any blog should get 80% traffic from organic.
When some one search some thing like adsense guide,if your blog is visible there.And someone open it.The chances of getting click increases because this traffic is not that much aware about what they are searching.But this traffic you getting is not constant because any time search engine algorithm changes.And traffic to your blog get decreases suddenly.
As compare to organic traffic direct traffic is constant.It comes to your blog because of brand value and good content.Here the CTR rate is very less.This traffic is more lasting as compare to organic traffic.Traffic coming from direct sources like various forum,web directories,social networking site etc.
Both traffic is useful and having different advantages.But the ideal ratio is 8:2 i.e 80 % organic and 20% direct traffic.
When some one search some thing like adsense guide,if your blog is visible there.And someone open it.The chances of getting click increases because this traffic is not that much aware about what they are searching.But this traffic you getting is not constant because any time search engine algorithm changes.And traffic to your blog get decreases suddenly.
As compare to organic traffic direct traffic is constant.It comes to your blog because of brand value and good content.Here the CTR rate is very less.This traffic is more lasting as compare to organic traffic.Traffic coming from direct sources like various forum,web directories,social networking site etc.
Both traffic is useful and having different advantages.But the ideal ratio is 8:2 i.e 80 % organic and 20% direct traffic.