How much you can expect from googe adsense ? Answer differ from person to person.Some will say 100$,and some say 1000$.That's all our expectation from Google adsense. Mr.Markus Frind is a leading in adsense earning world wide.His monthly income is approximately in the range of 10 to 12 million US dollar.Nearly 6 to 7 crore per month. Definitely its more than any other business.Really internet money like adsense is a great source of money.His website has receiving more than 1.2 million and more visitor.He is living in Canada.He is the CEO of his company.He is the CEO of the company and his company don't have any other employee.There is no need of other employee in the company.Because his website is totally automated. In India who is leading in case of adsense income is Mr. Amit agarwal.He is far behind than Mr.Markus Frind.Not because of talent of writing but because of country.In India internet user are less as co...