Before proceeding further,its very important to know what is SEO CONSULTANT? and Why we need him?.Since every person first search in the search engine and then visit the website.People visit those website which they found on the first page of search engine.And obiviousely it hammers the online business.Sales decreases,Donation reduce,popularity decreases and a lot happen because of this SEO.Even though you are best in the offline world,but in this century of internet.It matters where your site comes for particular keyword. But a person a who has Shoe company,don't know about SEO,its not his fault his work is not related to internet.To expand his business he must learn Internet and SEO.But he don't have time to that.So he hire someone else who know this.The person who is optimizing your website is SEO CONSULTANT.To work as a SEO Consultant,there is no professional training.If you know what they actually do then anyone can do this.But he should have sufficient time to do that.